| Technology Transfer The PhD Studies "Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería" is interdepartamental and is carried out by the Mathematics Department, the Department of Computer Science and the University Institute of Intelligent Systems and Numerical Applications in Enginnering (SIANI). Very prestigious researchers from other universities also participate in this programme. National Technology Transfer The Institute is part of a national network: Scientific Partners The institute collaborates scientifically with the following national research centres: - Computer Vision Centre, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (CVC/UAB). (Prof. Dr. Jordi Vitriá)
- National Microelectronics Center-Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Profs. Dra. Dolores Rexacs, Dr. Jordi Carrabina)
- International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Barcelona (Dr. Eugenio Oñate)
- Paralelism group of the Superior Centre of Computer Science-Statistic, Operational research and Computing Department of the University of La Laguna (Prof. Dr. Casiano Rodríguez).
- Department of Computer Science and Languages, University of Almería (Prof. Dr. Manuel Cantón).
- High Tech. College of Industrial Engineering, University of Valladolid (UVA), CARTIF Technology Centre (CARTIF/UVA) (Prof. Dr. Eduardo Zalama)
- Technical University of Madrid (Dr. Enrique Alarcón)
- University of Seville (Dr. José Domínguez)
- LACAN research group of Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (Dr. Antonio Huerta)
- University of Salamanca (Dr. Luis Ferragut)
Enterprises As it is neccesary, the institute has established several agreements, arrangements and contracts with regional and national organizations and companies. The most signatificant ones are the following: - Unión Eléctrica de Canarias S.A.
- Canary Department of Industry and Energy (Consejería de Industria y Energía del Gobierno de Canarias).
- Canary Department of Finance and Economy (Consejería de Economía y Hacienda del Gobierno de Canarias).
- Federación Provincial de Empresarios del Metal y Nuevas Tecnologías de Santa Cruz de Tenerife (FEMETE)
- Las Palmas Province Port Authority
- Santa Cruz de Tenerife Province Port authority
- Canary Institute of Marine Sciences (Instituto Canario de Ciencias Marinas) (Gobierno de Canarias)
- EAW Spain-Cluster
- Gran Canaria Tourist Board
- H3 Canary System Information
- Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias S.A.
- FECAI – Canary Municipality Federation (Federación Canaria de Municipios)
- Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Science and Technology Museum (Museo de la Ciencia y Tecnología de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)
- Grantecan S.A.
- Desarrollos Eólicos, S.A.
International Technology Transfer Internationally, the institute cooperates with two european networks and two european associations. With this cooperation programmes, the institute has to work closely with other universities and companies to promote development in their respective fields.
They participate as associates (through ULPGC with the Canary Islands Government and other european enterprises) in two INTERREG projects (III-B and GEREMAC) and in two european projects, in the framework of Software Engineering and Information Society (DIAS.NET PRojects and ISNOVA, nowadays called "ORBIT SERVER"). DIAS.NET is an R&D european project funded by the EU under the fifth Framework Programme. The main result of this project is the DIAS.NET platform, that offers IT services to a wide variety of small organisms (State-funded and private) in a dispersed geographic territory. This platform is a digital environment aimed to small organizations and enterprises where different species evolve, combine with each other and finally, they select each other to make possible their requirements and adapt to a very dynamic context. Between their results, there is also the DIAS association establishment (Digital Islands Association), whose members different public administrations from different insular regions from Europe.
Scientific partners Currently, the institute collaborates with important international research centres. - Institut Francais de Mecanique Avancee-IFMA. at Aubiere Cedex, Clermont-Ferrand (In the framework ULPGC-IFMA, Prof. Dra. Caroline Besse)
- Department of image analysis, Aalborg University, Denmark. (Prof. Dr. Klaus Andersen)
- FIAT research centre, Italy ( Dr. Roberto Fontana)
- Dassault Aviation , France ( Dr. Jacques Periaux)
- Italian Aerospace Research Centre (CIRA) (Dr. Domenico Quadriagella)
- TU Dortmund University, Germany (Dr. Thomas Baeck)
- Colorado State University, USA (Dr. Darrell Whitley)
- Centre for Autonomous Systems-Royal Institute of Technology (Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskölan IKTH), Stockholm, Sweden (Prof. Dr. Henrik I. Christensen, Director)
- Grenoble Institue of Techonology and Informatics, Applied Mathematics and Telecommunications Department, (Ensimag), y PRIMA-GRAVIR project of LIFIA, France (Prof. Dr. James Crowley, Director PRIMA-GRAVIR and responsible of European Computer Vision Network ECVNet).
- research group "Vision and Modeling" (VISMOD) at Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA (Dr. Tony Jebara)
- Institut Aerotechnique de Saint Cyr, Paris, (Prof. Dr. D. Destuynder)
- Central University of Venezuela (Dr. Miguel Cerrolaza)
- Institute of Computer Science, Jagellonian University, Krakow, (Prof. Dr. Robert Schaefer)
- Faculty of Medicine of Sofia University, Bulgary (Prof. Dr. Drumi Bainov)
- Texas Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (TICAM), University of Texas at Austin, (Prof. Dr. Graham F. Carey)
- University of Triestre, Italy (Dr. Carlos Poloni)
- University of Bergamo, Italy (Dr. Emilio Spedicato)
- University of Catania, Italy (Prof. Olivetto)
- Civil-Comp Press (Dr. Barry H.V. Topping)
- Morehouse College, Atlanta, USA (Prof. M. Sambandham)
Business collaboration As neccesary, the institute has established several agreements, arrangements and contracts with regional and european organizations and companies, the more signatificant ones are listed here: - Dassault Aviation.
- Hiiuma County Government, INSULA – International Scientific Council for Island Development
- Instituto Canario de Formación y Empleo (ICFEM) del Gobierno de Canarias
- Madeira Tecnopolo S.A.
- NICCIEU (Network of the Island Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the European Union) Fundación Centro Canario del Agua
- Administração dos Portos da Região Autonoma da Madeira, S.A. (APRAM S.A.)
- S. Reg. Do Ambiente e R. Naturais
- Gewis Ibérica
- Centro de Investigación de FIAT
This R&D agreements and projects are an important financial resource to the Institute. Besides, they help with the development of the Canary Islands thanks to the interchange of technological knowledge. | 
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